Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Party

A ghost, tourist, ballerina, scientist, farmer, cowboy, and rocknroll fairy.  A motley crew.

We had our church Halloween Party last week, which has become the first of many time the kids have and will don their costumes this season.  Meaning, there will be more pictures to come.

Lucy at 6 months: Take Two


Lucy, we squeeze, chew, kiss, nibble, tickle, cuddle and love on you all day long.  You are adored by your big sis and bros, and we can't believe it's been six months already!  I find myself caught between "Hurry, hurry and grow."  and "Stop, stop, stop!  You're growing too fast!"  I think it's a last-baby-thing.  Here you are at 6 months:

You are sitting.
You are rolling.
You are on all fours, rocking and propelling yourself forward.
The earliest, by far, of all our babies to start "traveling".  Trying to keep up, I imagine.
You have an adorable "strawberry" on your left wrist that showed up shortly after you were born. (see second photo).  The kids call it your angel kiss. 
You still suck your thumb---but only on your terms.  You only let it soothe you when you want it to.  And if anyone tries to put it in your mouth for you, forget about it.  You will have none of that.
You are a peach-fuzz baldy.  I can't wait to see what color your hair will be.
When you smile your entire face lights up.  And if you are laughing or smiling really hard, you have a small indentation in your right cheek under your eye.  It's not a dimple, but it's cute.
You like to bite your bottom lip (see photo 1&3). 
You scratch your face all the time.  It seems like every morning you wake up after attacking your face in the night.  I'm trying to keep up on your nail-clipping.
You are not a cuddler.  You basically hang off of me like a sack of potatoes.  And you're kinda heavy.  I'm hoping you catch on to the squeeze-your-legs-together-and-hold-on-to-mom thing.  Just a little help here. 
But, you are a nuzzler.  You nuzzle your head into my neck sometimes.  I love that a ton.
You light up when the kids come home from school.
You light up when daddy comes home from work.
(You also like me a little, too.)
You wake up super happy.  When you hear the door open to your room, you start kicking your legs really fast.  And, I swear you are saying "Hi" to me when I lean over your crib.  It's like, "Ayeee"
You are a super-duper-sleeper.  Thank you for that.  Thank you.
You.  Are.  Chubby.  Again, thank you for that.
You smell so delicious.  It's baby soap, lotion, milk, and pink warmth all mixed together.

I love Lucy.

P.S. Thanks, Heather, for this adorable outfit.  I mean, rock 'n roll and skinny jeans?  Seriously.


Lucy at 6 months: Take One

That was a short photo shoot.

Donny and Christi come to visit

 My sister and brother-in-law made a quick trip down here this month.  It was so fun to visit with them and enjoy good times and good food (PF Changs, anyone?). 

 The last night they were here they wanted to go scorpion hunting in the backyard.  (When you shine  a blacklight on scorpions, they glow like a yellow highlighter pen.   It's pretty cool.  And disturbing.)Anyway, a few backyard minions did not disappoint and made their appearance.  After, we sat by the pool with our feet in until my sis jumped in with all her clothes on... followed by our kids and her hubby.  Such a fun memory.

My sister has always been up for spontaneous fun.  One of the many things I love about her.  Love you both!

Paige's First Choir Concert

First bite

Watching General Conference

Steve's only birthday picture...

...but we're all here and accounted for .

On his 35th birthday, I just have a few questions:

Steve, where in the world did you come from? 
And, how did you find me?
How do you do it all?
Am I supporting you enough in all your busy endeavors?
Are you overwhelmed supporting me in mine?
Do you still like my bangs? 
How did we get here?  (You know, mid-thirties and five kids.)
Is it okay that I will never make you liver and onions on your birthday even though you always ask for it?
I know you're (sorta) joking about it, but I think you really would like it.  I just can't stomach it.
Are you ready for another 35 years?
Most likely I will still be blogging then, in 2046,
and I will still be taking birthday pictures.
Or just documenting with holograms, either one.

Happy Birthday to my favorite person ever, anywhere.

Lucy at 4 months

Gavin starts preschool!

Where does the time go, my friends?

Our picnic

When the bigger kids (I say "bigger", because Mr. Gavin insists he is big too) went off for their first day of school, Gavin and I had a little picnic in the backyard together. Lucy was sleeping, and so we both packed our lunch boxes and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

First Day of School

I can't believe we have three kids in school!!

Paige starts 5th Grade

Trevor starts 2nd Grade

and watch out kindergarten! Here comes Preston!

Utah--Part 2

Thanksgiving Point -- Dinosaur Museum with cousins

Beautiful Utah evening at Nana & Papa's with bubbles, side-walk chalk art, and smores!

Park in Cedar Hills (with a very frigid stream--only the brave dare enter!)

Traditional Brick Oven dinner and Kiwanis Park

Hiking the "Y" Mountain -- Daddy takes kids and cousins (see above photo to see how high they hiked!)

Day at Lagoon Amusement Park with the Williams Fam (my sister's family). This needs it's own post!