Friday, April 30, 2010

"Everyone can create..."

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human create something that did not exist before."
~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Their creations just happened to be displayed at the School District Arts Festival this year.

Hurray for the Arts!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The text best thing.

Okay, boys. It's time to go upstairs and take a bath. Can we do it? Everybody in. On your mark, get set....

{The photo is unrelated, but just because.}

One day, I propositioned my husband with an outrageous idea--via text. This was our textversation:

I think we should text more often. Call me old-fashioned...

Just fashioned not old

See? These are just the kind of quips that will brighten my day.

how do you do it so fast maybe next f h e lesson

It's all in the wrist, my love. And, yes, FHE needs more content anyway...First lesson: Caps and punctuation.


More to the textversation? Yes, but only my beeswax--none of yours. ;)

If only a text could be spritzed with perfume and delivered by dove...

Friday, April 23, 2010

A moment of silence, please...

...for the hours and days lost in my life, whilst in the labor of annihilating none other than HEAD LICE.

Yes, that's right. Lice.

In my home.

In my babies' hair.

And, what's more, in my hair.

{insert groan, moan, sigh, heave, sob...whatever}

I will never homeschool, but I considered it this week. Along with the occasional hurt feelings and new bad words, lice is another little doozy that children can bring home from school.

So, what's a mother and father to do?

Shear those beautiful heads, that's what.

I did NOT shave my daughter's head--though, it must be said, that after the first 12 hours (I say, "first" because there were two sets of 12 hour increments) of picking eggs out of her head, it was considered-- but I did cut off about 5 inches. There were tears, but it will grow back.

Now for The Good News:

* Preston and Daddy avoided the little buggers (so far)

* Trev and Gav were free and clear after a shampoo treatment and a good shaving

* Paige and I had some serious mommy/daughter time and watched some great Barbie movies.

* My husband managed to gain even more brownie points by walking away from the Suns game to pick nits out of my hair for 2 hours. He is so good to me.

* I lost 5 pounds. No joke. My new business venture: "Need to lose weight? Forget all those dieting scams, try Nausea-Inducing Lice! Quick and effective." Honestly, I have had no appetite with all the bugs (remember my phobia?), plus I've been so consumed with the Killing and Disinfecting that there's been no time for food.

* More love. A painstaking, tedious, and dreadful occupation such as Lice Killer, sanctifies you in a way you never knew possible. And, this labor builds upon unconditional love. Really, I'm not just being poetic...well, maybe a little poetic.

Now, excuse me while I go bleach the sheets--again.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Three months?
Tres meses?
3 mos?


That is just so very long to be away from our happy little place here. So many distractions (and computer issues) and a full and busy life (and computer issues) have kept this blog on the low-priority list. One major contributing factor to my absence was my assignment as

Youth Road Show Director

Whew! January, February and March were consumed with writing, casting, re-casting, re-writing, rehearsing, directing, and costuming this show. On the actual nights of performace, I didn't even have time to take any snapshots--I know, I cringe at the thougtht. But a few people who were in their right mind, managed to do so , and I am hoping to find those pictures.

I have anxiety if I don't get our pictures downloaded and captioned for posterity.
So I am back in the blogging business.
My camera has been bursting with other new photos and begging for viewership. Therefore, the following posts will be an attempt at catch-up so these past few months will not go unnoticed.

Here. we. go.

Let's reminisce, shall we?


Alissa & Trevor's Wedding
I flew up to Utah (alone!) for my lovely niece's wedding (I bragged about her here and here). It was a seriously whirlwind trip, and my sister and I were a bit sleep-deprived the night before with all the preparations, but I was so happy to be able to share that day with the Mr. and Mrs. Gibb (aka Alis & Trev).

(Alissa wore my wedding dress --a few sizes altered down-- and she looked beyond gorgeous. Which brings me to other January happenings: I joined Weight Watchers....)


Gavin's 2nd Birthday

So glad Grandma & Grandpa Owens could join us to celebrate the birthday boy. I believe Gavin was in the middle of saying "cheese!"

"Gramma & Grampa Biorn" -- a lovely couple from church who sit with us in the congregation and help me with the kids. They have held Gavin in church since he was 4 weeks old, when Steve was first called to the Bishopric. We love them.

(Wow, those flames are really close, aren't they?)

#4 child and each birthday is just as exciting as the first. We adore this little boy, and sometimes I just can't stand how adorable he is. Gavin faves at age 2:

Baseball bat
Buzz Lightyear
"To infinity and beyond" which sounds like "a pinty a bond!"
Any ball
Any sport involving a ball
His sippy cup/Drink aka "Da-winka"
His blue fuzzy blanket and train blanket, which are one entity: "Nigh-nigh choo-choo?"



Trevor's 6th Birthday

Trevor decided on a Star Wars: Clone Wars themed party.

All of our outdoor activities/games were rained out. Luckily, Daddy came through with some fun indoor Star Wars fun.

Friends from his class at school.

It was so fun celebrating your day, Trevor. We love you so much and are so thankful for your place in our family. You have a sweet, caring and sensitive spirit. You are a good friend. You like to choose the right. And you like to do things the first time you are asked--I love this about you. You love Steve Nash, Star Wars, coloring and drawing, sounding out words and writing sentences, memorizing Articles of Faith, and eating chocolate.

Happy Birthday, T-Boy!

Let's reminisce, shall we? Part two

(in no particular order and not including the elusive Road Show)

Field Day

Even handsome when he's working up a sweat!

(It must be noted that Paige took 2nd in the Dash out of all the 3rd grade girls)


St. Patty's Day

Green breakfast---appetizing.

Rainbow cupcakes.



Star Student of the Week

(I look half asleep, but whatev.)

Our family was invited to Trev's class where he shared his favorite book, "Toy Story 2", heard his special spotlight, and shared yummy treats.


Paige's 9th Birthday

Theme: (for there is always a theme)
A Night at the Movies

Invitation: A customized movie ticket

Cake: No cake this year. {gasp} She wanted Sugar Cookies--we shaped them like popcorn bags

Entertainment: Paige and friends made a movie, brought to you by "A Paige Party Production" and was entitled, "The Mystery of the Missing Jazzy Award". Paige and I "wrote" the "script" (both loose terms) and collected any and all costumes. Man, it was a serious hoot.

Scene: Eliza Belle in her dressing room after winning her Jazzy Award
Are you hooked?

The girls enjoying their debut.

Happy Birthday Paige!

You are a star, on and off the screen.
You make side ponytails look good.
You are a wiz on the computer. Mizz "Oh ya, mom-- I made a Power Point Presentation at school today."....of course, you did.
You complete a chapter book faster than I can put on my makeup. Almost.
You are a lovely pianist.
You are a beautiful singer.
You are great at massaging my head.
You are too big for your britches.
You are an inspiration as a missionary, sharing the good news.
You are on your knees, by your bed when I walk past your room.

Love you, Missy.