Monday, December 21, 2009

A bajillion photos--Disney style.

{Waiting for the big kids and daddy to get off the "Indiana Jones" ride.}

{It must be said that Trevor was boogying down during this entire parade/show. I just couldn't seem to capture it.}

Cousin Elijah joined us for the 2nd evening.

Whew. I'm tired.

She's always had long, pretty fingers.

Paige had her first piano recital and rose to the occasion. She perfectly played, "The Mermaid Song" and "Redeemer of Israel" for our intimate audience.
I think the "cherry" shirt gave her good luck. Also, the cute side bun that she fashioned herself.

We love her teacher and I thank the heavens that we have her. Paige's mother {me} vaguely entertained the idea of teaching her in these beginning stages, but we are both happier now that I am out of the equation all together and she has this lovely woman to teach her instead.

I try not to beam too much when I hear Ms. Paige play. My favorite is when she sits down at the piano to a song that I am working on and begins to sight read the notes and sings along. When she drags her feet to the piano, I remind her that she has a natural talent and God wants her to use it to bless others--not hide it.

Plus, he didn't give her those beautiful fingers fer nothin'.

Dating a 4-year-old

{Truly, this child was enjoying the evening, but this is how he says, "Cheese!"}

Remember how we like to take our children out on one-on-one dates when it's birthday time?

Good. I thought you forgot.

Well, Preston was rousing company and we had a great time "at that Pizzookie place"--our local BJ's.

He ate.

He approved.

He danced.

Yes. Danced.

He made a wish on a Pizzookie.

Which always renders happy results.

Oh, how we love Preston.

Friday, December 18, 2009

"Equality for 8-year-olds!"

A conversation had in the kitchen. Of our home. Between my daughter and myself. While I was emptying the dishwasher. After school.

Mom, sometimes I just wish I could be normal!

Hmm...what do you mean, honey?

I just wish I was...(hmpf!) normal!

Okay, I guess I need more information, Paige. What do you mean by "normal"?
(preceeded by what can only be described as a growl) Just--every other kid my age gets to come home after school and--and eat Cheetos and play video games!!

Ohhh....that's awesome for them. But, aren't you happy with apple slices and reading?

It's not fair!

It was then that I realized I was a better mother than I thought.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


All four cherubs had their flu shots yesterday.
They were all so brave.
Preston had five--FIVE shots because it was his "well visit".
There was nothing "well" about it.
It was torture for this poor kiddo.
There were two nurses in there and when Pres started the wailing, one said to the other,
Um, go get Moses.
So, in comes Moses, a male nurse to help hold down Preston's legs.
Pinned down and shot five times in the legs.
And he screamed so loud that the next victim in the waiting room ran for his life...there was not a soul in that office that did not hear our young man's lung capacity.
So, then he called grandma and grandpa and told them all about his experience...
Grandma, I got five shots and five bandages (yes, he called them that) ...and then Trevor took off the bandages very softly for me.
Oh, I'm sorry Preston. Did the shots hurt?
Did you cry?
Yeah...a little.