Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Who knew Goop was so Good?

I am trying to work on feeling better these days.

Maybe I'm getting older {32 on Friday} or just not taking care of myself as I should...but I am taking wisdom where I can and trying to incorporate it. At the New Year, I was all puffed up about this whole program, but have since slacked.

I came across Gwyneth Paltrow's website Goop and I love it. I have been most interested in her wellness advice and ideas--ways to incorporate the holistic and organic...but there are also great insights into parenting, relationships, optimism...I like it. My parents {who are very healthy and holistic} would say, "We've been trying to tell you about this for years!"...sometimes it is from many witnesses that truth can finally stick!

**I have no idea why it is called Goop. Gwyneth is so intelligent and lovely, I am sure there must be a good reason for it. I hope.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

wicked awesome.

{photo courtesy of Stephen Owens, New York Trip, May 2009--ooh, and look! I'm in green!}
Last night we saw Wicked.
The Famous: Wicked.
THE Wicked.
How can something so wicked be so goooooood?
First, there was the--
Then, all the--
Oh! And the part when she--
Their voices, oh, their voices--
And then, at the end, when they--
I guess you had to be there.
Alls I'm sayin' is: If I believed in reincarnation, I would come back as Elphaba.
And then Glinda--after that.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Fourth that could have been.

I wish I could say that on the Fourth of July, my family sported these:

Or that I decorated my house like this:

Or that I made a festive treat like this:

Or that I saw some of this:

{photo by my big brother, Jason Leonard}

But I truly cannot. I cannot say these things because I was a party pooper on this most wonderful holiday. This was the first year, in years, that we have not been in Utah for the 4th, and believe you me, we felt it. We felt it in the heat. We felt it in the lack of flags adorning our neighborhood. We felt it in the absence of the Provo Freedom Festival--oh, the parades! It's just not the same.

I will say that we made sure to do this:
For what is this day without a waving flag?

And, well, don't expect any photos of my darling children.

Because, well, that's what a dud I was on this day.

I will say we enjoyed swimming, playing, laughing, and eating good summerific food with some of our family and of that I am thankful. I am thankful that this holiday represents my freedom to do that. To be, and to laugh, and to pray, and to be with family.

As for next year, I will dream of making these:

--and will most certainly be rolling in red, white and blue, and basking in the breeze of Utah's patriotic spirit.


**Yes, I know how to bloom where I'm planted. I realize I can be just as patriotic here as anywhere. Alas, I'm all about the down-home, small-town celebrations. Nuthin' quite like it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Children are literal beings.

Scene: A brave and willing man of the house, obliges his wife in capturing and ultimately terminating an unwanted pest. His oldest son observes.

Steve: Well, I think it's time to put this spider out of his misery.

Trevor: Dad? (pause) Where is his misery?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A few questions...

Why was this packaging for a stapler so difficult to open? As if a shoplifter is thinking, "If only I could get my hands on a Swingline, I could really make some bank..."
Why do I have the best eagle eye when ironically, without the aid of glasses or contacts, I only have 20/200 vision? (Yes, I spotted this scorpion out of the corner of my eye as I was laying Gavin down to bed.)

Why does wearing goggles make any meal taste better?

Why did I paint this--like this? I don't get it now. It does nothing for me...

Why am I so blessed to look into faces like this everyday?

Just wondering.

Utah respite

While at BYU, forever ago, I roomed with two amazing and hilarious gals, Josi and Molly. Well, a couple of weeks ago, I had a fun and quick trip to Utah (me, myself & I!) to attend Josi's wedding reception. She and Molly were at my wedding 10 years ago:

and here we are now:After the reception, Molly and I spent the rest of the day together, and she insisted we fill it with things I don't get to do very often: go shopping, get a pedicure, and eat Cafe Rio!!! I had the best time with my Molly...can she be my next door neighbor, please?
And, of course, I got to stay with my parents and see my sis, Christi.

Can't wait to go back in a few weeks and get out of this oven!!