I give you.............a Handy-Man.
The real fact of the matter is, it was I that spent much of the time down here. That was certainly not the original plan, but husband was a little frustrated at not being able to reach all the nuts, bolts, and other what-nots, and he said my dainty arms and hands could fit under better. {Sigh and blush.} So, he muscled the extraction of the old faucet, and piloted the logistics. Then I insisted on doing the dainty work --it was kinda fun, and I was soaking up all the admiration coming my way from husband.
Bottom Line: We are just so stinkin' proud of ourselves.
Other Bottom Line: If you have a faucet that needs to be installed, give us a call. {Disclaimer: Our righteous pride only covers the installation of Delta model#: 468-SSSD. We know those instructions upside-down and sideways. If it's anything else, forget it.}